
Social inclusion in action

4 min

“Social Inclusion in Action: the beauty of cultural diversity” training course - 19 - 26 august 2021, emen village, Veliko Tarnovo region, Bulgaria.

Social inclusion in action

Foto: Pixabay

34 participants - 15 partner organisations - 13 countries: Greece, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Turkey, Czech Republic and Bulgaria

“Social Inclusion in Action: the beauty of cultural diversity” is a training course which will bring together a total of 34 participants who will work on the inclusion of young people with cultural differences (migrants, refugees or descendants of immigrant or refugee families; representatives of national or ethnic minorities; people experiencing difficulties with their language adaptation or cultural integration). It is co - funded by the Erasmus + programme and organized by CVS Bulgaria.

Dates & Venue

The training will take place from 19th (afternoon) till 26th August 2021 (7 working days and one travelling - 19th arrival and first working day and 26th August - departure day) in Bulgaria, in Imenieto hotel, Emen, in Veliko Tarnovo region. The participants need to arrive in the afternoon on 19th August and depart on 26th August 2021.


To improve the understanding of youth workers about the specifics of working with people with cultural differences; to increase knowledge on how to reach and involve young people with cultural differences (migrants, refugees or descendants of migrant or refugee families; members of national or ethnic minorities; people who have difficulties with their linguistic adaptation or cultural integration) in everyday life activities of partner organizations; to provide youth workers with concrete ideas and tools for the inclusion of disadvantaged young people; to provide a set of specific methods for training and supporting young people with disabilities in their involvement in various activities at local and international level; to encourage a positive attitude towards the implementation of projects with the participation of disadvantaged young people; to develop skills for empathy, acceptance and non-discrimination; to increase the attitude towards acceptance, solidarity and the promotion of diversity.

Profile of the Participants

Age 18+ youth workers, social workers, mentors, coaches of youth initiatives and solidarity projects, volunteer coordinators, trainers, facilitators, activists. Participants may have experience working with young people with fewer opportunities who wish to share with other participants and increase their knowledge and develop their competencies, or so far have no experience and wish to start promoting and supporting the inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities; youth leaders who can turn into multiplayer and peer - to - peer trainers willing to share knowledge, ideas, useful tips willing to participate in the creation of the Toolbox for Social Inclusion; able to understand and express themselves in English; are committed to attend for the full duration of the event; are committed to do a follow - up/dissemination activity to be implemented in their country after the Training.


Breakfast, lunch, dinner and breaks during the training duration will be provided by the organizers. Insurance will be also provided by the organizers.  Travel costs are reimbursed up to 180 EUR. All participants will receive Youthpass upon successful completion of the training. There is a small participation fee for those participants coming from Serbia, and it goes to supporting VCV (2.500 RSD).

Covid19 Protocol

The organizers cover the cost for PCR or Antigen tests. As of 1.07 there are new regulations for entering Bulgaria: If the participant is not vaccinated, a PCR test must be done up to 72 hours before entering Bulgaria or an Antigen up to 48 hours before entering. If the participant is vaccinated, only a valid EU COVID vaccination certificate is needed.

Application Procedure

If you are interested in participating, check out the Info - pack and daily programme.

Please, apply by 25.07.2021, filling in the online application form.

The final selection will be done by CVS - Bulgaria, giving priority to candidates proposed by the Partner Organisations as long as their application is submitted within the deadline and the candidate’s profile fits with the participant’s profile envisaged in this call.

Selected participants will be informed by 1.08.2021. All applicants will be informed about the final decision.

For any further questions about the project, the programme, etc., please contact CVS Bulgaria at trainings@cvs-bg.org.

If you have any other questions (about how to apply, how these Training Courses look like, what is expected from you as a participant), please contact VCV by email to vcvoffice@gmail.com.

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