Meetup: Inspiring IoT, A Glimpse into DIY Smart Homes
U sredu, 21. feburara, od 18h, organizujemo meetup i predavanje na temu hobi elektronike i pametnih uređaja, sa ciljem da učinite vašu kuću “pametnijom”. Naš predavač je Boldižar Bednarik, a predavanje će biti na engleskom jeziku.
On Wednesday, 21st of February, starting from 6pm, we are organizing a meetup on the topic of DIY hobby electronics and smart technologies, in the goal of making your home “smarter”. Our guest is Boldizsár Bednárik, and this meetup will be in English.
A journey of inspiration, into the future of IoT and smart homes, elevated to the next level with the power of Open Source software. This talk offers a glimpse into the possibilities of transforming a home into a modern, connected habitat with accessible technologies like ESP8266, WiFi and Zigbee protocol. Explore the role of MQTT brokers, Node-RED, InfluxDB, and Grafana in creating a smart ecosystem. The focus is on sparking ideas, demonstrating the potential of these technologies and encouraging attendees to envision and build their personalized smart home solutions.
This talk is ideal for tech enthusiasts intrigued by IoT and smart home technologies, especially those interested in DIY electronics and open-source software. It’s tailored for beginners and seasoned hobbyists alike, aiming to inspire and empower attendees to create their own smart home solutions, regardless of their prior experience level.
What will you learn?
- Practical Insights: Attendees will gain an understanding of how to use technologies like ESP8266, WiFi, Zigbee protocol, MQTT brokers, Node-RED, InfluxDB, and Grafana to create smart home solutions.
- Inspiration for DIY Projects: The talk will spark ideas and provide inspiration for attendees to start their own personalized smart home projects, highlighting the potential and versatility of open-source software in IoT.
- Knowledge Enhancement: Participants will enhance their knowledge about the integration and application of various IoT technologies in smart homes, even if they are not experts in the field.
About the guest
For nearly two decades, Boldizsár Bednárik has been immersing himself in the realms of software and electrical engineering. He has experience in a variety of technical areas, he is skilled in many languages and frameworks, but his passion extends beyond coding; he’s also proficient in Linux System Administration, DevOps, developing software architectures and hardware design. This journey through the tech world has been exhilarating from C64 to LLM’s, and he cherishes every moment of it.
The meetup will be on Wednesday, 21st of Febuary, starting from 6pm in the InspiraHub event space, Subotica, Korzo 1 street (passage next to the MTS mobile provider, 2nd floor).
Attendance is free, but please register via this FORM.