
Seminar Micro - credentials in the EHEA: Small Learning Units - Big Opportunities?

1 min

In the wake of an increased speed of technology progression, society and the labor market demand increasingly complex skills.

Seminar Micro - credentials in the EHEA: Small Learning Units - Big Opportunities?

Foto: Pixabay

The disruptive nature of certain technologies can quickly devalue once-acquired knowledge and enforce reskilling and upskilling efforts. In this context, education is no longer attributed to a specific age group or target group, but higher education institutions have to become familiar with and adapt to the needs of the lifelong learner.

The core principle of micro-credentials is to provide the educational framework for these reskilling and upskilling efforts and to give recognition to newly acquired competences, as learners increasingly want and have to document their personal learning paths throughout their working life. Here, micro-credentials fill a gap between a formal degree-based education, and the fast-changing development of knowledge and labour market needs.

The seminar within the framework of the DAAD project bologna hub will focus on the latest developments with regard to the uptake of micro-credentials in the EHEA – most notably, the “European Approach to micro-credentials”. It will also highlight various good practice examples and micro-credential initiatives related to the Bologna key commitments. In addition, also the wider impact of the use of micro-credentials on lifelong learning and increased inclusiveness in the EHEA shall be discussed.

The seminar aims at enriching the ongoing discussion on micro-credentials and bringing together professionals from the policy level as well as experts, HEI administrators and providers of micro-credentials.

Date: 1 July 2021, 11:00 – 16:30 CEST

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